Unlock a Healthier Way of Living with Kyäni’s Nitro Nutrition Program!

I know we’ve past that returning to the old normal talk and now we are into summer plans, healthy diet and stuff so I’m sure by now you already had plans to return to fitness. Good thing today I wanted to discuss about healthy lifestyle because a health and wellness brand, Kyani Philippines officially launched a wonderful program, the Nitro Nutrition Movement!

Kyani Philippines

To be honest, I was clueless about that brand before but after hearing everything about its program, the ways of working on this lifestyle journey is such a wonderful experience. Kyäni has dedicated itself to combining natural ingredients with the best of modern technology to help people live healthier lives. True to its tagline “Be A Healthier You”, Kyäni products are specifically designed to help people receive the nutrients lacking in a modern diet.

The launch of the Nitro Nutrition Movement Program brings Kyäni a step closer to its goal of helping Filipinos live healthier. “I was here to launch Kyäni Philippines in 2014,” says Michael Breshears, Co-Chairman of the Kyäni Board of Directors. “I am so happy to be back.  Kyäni is all about helping others and we will continue to do that for many more years.”

Kyani Philippines

Coincidentally, I was returning to my new fitness program and my coach and I was talking about proteins.

Rod Magaru working out

Protein products like Kyäni’s FIT20 and HL5 are included in the Nitro Nutrition plan. They contain grass-fed whey and hydrolized collagen proteins that provide digestive support and help your body develop a healthy inflammatory response.

Kyani Philippines

Kyäni is in over 50 countries and Kyäni Philippines is celebrating its 8th anniversary this April. The Nitro Nutrition Movement centers around three key concepts: the plan, product, and community. Today I had Fit20 after my workout. I’m thinking of getting the entire box to fully assess its effect on me.

Kyani Philippines

The Nitro Nutrition plan is a simple two-step plan starting with a 21-Day Reset where you remove inflammatory foods and replace them with clean proteins, fats, and carbs. This plan is supplemented with Kyäni products (below). The  21-Day Reset is followed by a Monthly Accelerate which will help you make a clean diet stick and reap benefits such as improved metabolism.

Kyäni’s nature-based products start with the Triangle of Health  – Kyäni Nitro, Kyäni Sunrise, and Kyäni Sunset – which deliver the nutrients you need plus the science to make sure they are absorbed by your body. Kyäni Sunrise is a delicious blend of vitamins and minerals while Kyäni Sunset provides nutrients to support heart health and healthy cholesterol levels.  Kyäni Nitro supports the production of nitric oxide which plays a role in many aspects of health, from brain communication to inflammatory response.

Kyani Philippines

So far I feel good taking them. I am on my 4th day to a healthier journey.

Kyani Philippines

Kyäni Philippines General Manager Kate Bellosillo urges Filipinos to start their Nitro Nutrition journey today. “With Nitro Nutrition, Kyäni is giving people a way to take back control of their health in a way that’s fun, easy, and full of support,” Bellosillo said. “I highly encourage people to begin their Nitro Nutrition journey as soon as possible—they’ll surely thank themselves for it later on.”

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Rod Magaru is an award winning content creator based in the Philippines. He blogs about lifestyle and Entertainment and is known for breaking news on new projects in TV, Movies and reviews of products, hotels and awesome travel tips. He is also a Social media strategist, accepts hosting & speaking engagement. For inquiries email [email protected]