Disaster strikes, humanity struggles—immerse yourself in the gripping Korean film “Concrete Utopia,” now streaming on Viu Philippines!
A towering sanctuary in a shattered world: After a devastating earthquake reduces Seoul to rubble, Hwang Gung Apartments stands as the only haven. Faced with an influx of desperate survivors, a young couple, Min-sung and Myung-hwa, grapples with a moral dilemma. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Yeong-tak takes charge, shaping the fate of the community.
Survival hangs in the balance – As the apartment overflows, the residents must make tough decisions to ensure their survival.
A global phenomenon – Since its premiere in August 2023, “Concrete Utopia” has captivated audiences worldwide with its heart-pounding story, suspenseful drama, and stellar performances. It has garnered acclaim at prestigious international film festivals, including Toronto, Sitges, Hawaii, India, and Kolkata.
Award-winning excellence – In South Korea, the film swept six awards at the Grand Bell Awards, including Best Film, Best Actor for Lee Byung-hun, and Best Supporting Actress for Kim Sun-young. Additionally, it was chosen by the Korean Film Council as the official entry for Best International Feature Film at the 2024 Oscars.
Experience the film your way – “Concrete Utopia” is available on Viu Philippines in its original Korean with English subtitles, or a Tagalog-dubbed version. Both options are exclusive to Viu Premium subscribers.
“Concrete Utopia” (in original Korean with English subtitles, and in Tagalog-dubbed version) is available for streaming exclusively for Viu Premium subscribers. Download the Viu app now via the Apple Store or Play Store or visit www.viu.com to watch Asian movies and series.