A staggering P500,000 cash prize awaits a team of talented visual artists who will bring their creativity to life on a massive canvas as Avida Land marks its 33rd anniversary with a creative showdown in their South Park District Mural Competition.
Envisioned with the theme “Part City, Part Nature, Pure South,” this competition underscores Avida’s commitment to creating inspired living spaces that harmoniously merge urban comfort with the vibrance of natural landscapes.
All participating artists must adhere closely to the designated theme when submitting their entries. Apart from the cash bounty, the winning team will get the chance to leave their indelible mark on South Park District’s captivating landscape.
“In our drive to make South Park District a destination, we want to showcase the talents of Filipino artists,” Tess Tatco, Marketing Head of Avida Land Corp., said of the exciting opportunity the mural competition offers participants. “The winning mural will take up a highly visible section in the district. It is our hope that this Pinoy-made art will serve as a strong draw for visitors who wish to appreciate the creative masterpiece, first-hand.”Located in Alabang in Muntinglupa, South Park District is a 6.6-hectare master-planned community that encompasses the Avida Towers Ardane and Avida Towers Altura, the sprawling Central Park, the South Park Center mall, and the South Park Corporate Center.
Known for its thoughtful design and collection of art installations by Reginald Yuson, South Park District is now ready for a stunning mural created by Filipino talents.
The competition is open to all amateur and professional artists aged 18 and up, and residing in the Philippines. Each participant must form a team with one group leader and a minimum of nine members.
Each group must submit a digital copy of their proposed mural design in PDF format along with their group details and design rationale. The allocated space for the mural is 20.5 (H) x 40 (W) meters. The entries must be eye-catching and Instagram-worthy. Participants are encouraged to include interactive features in their design to further entice the public to come see the work. Completion of the mural design must be achievable within fourteen working days.
All submissions must be sent to [email protected] on or before November 3, 2023.
From the pool of initial applicants, ten groups will be shortlisted as finalists. The finalists will be announced on November 10, 2023. These ten groups will then present their proposed designs to a panel of judges, including Avida officials and representatives, who will then select the winning design and greenlight it to begin production at the South Park District. Davies Paints will provide materials to the winning team.
“We encourage all gifted artists to participate in the Avida South Park District Mural Competition,” said Ms. Tatco, who forsees their art turning into a must-see attraction in the south. “We are thus thrilled to give them this opportunity to showcase their work.”
Celebrate Avida’s 33rd anniversary by leaving your artistic imprint on South Park District. This competition is not just about creating the best mural art; it’s a chance to be part of a visionary movement that blends urban living and creative passion. Join us in transforming South Park District into a living canvas of art and inspired living!
For more information on the competition guidelines, please visit https://www.avidaland.com/news-and-events/south-park-district-mural-competition/
Avida Land is a residential brand of Ayala Land, the Philippines’ leading developer of sustainable estates offering a diverse mix of properties such as residential, retail, office, hotels, and leisure developments that support local economic growth and nation-building.