Ok I have to break it up with you guys. Its been days since that controversial slash ‘waste of time’ issue about Brian Poe’s display of his recent purchase of Limited Edition Nike Mag 10 and from the looks of it, the shoes on the photo are LEGIT. But wait, HIS SHOES ARE FAKE! Not because I can only spot the difference from the real ones but a reliable source confirmed that its just a replica bought for only P10K. Photo below taken online.
For starters, last September of 2011, a total of 1,500 pairs of Nike Mag10 were auctioned on eBay with the intention of donating its proceeds to Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Disease Research. They added 10 more pairs in a deluxe package and they were able to SOLD EVERYTHING on that year.
Meaning, Nike didn’t produce additional pairs, not even to NBA Stars who requested for it. So Brian tell me, what are you trying to say? You obviously bought a fake one and didn’t include a disclaimer or footnote. That’s mortal!
If you look at this pair of shoes online now, you will see that there were many fakes and replicas out there. You can even buy a couple of pairs as the price ranges from $125 to $385, way cheaper than $19,999. I don’t actually care if you wear Bakya or Air Max. In fact I don’t care about you and your weirdo poses at all. Just tell the truth about your fake shoes.
(photo courtesy of nicekicks.com)
I remember my semi obsession with shoes and glanced at this Nike Mag10 years back. I told myself to work hard to be able to buy clothes and shoes I want. So I hope this guy above will do so. I know he is way richer than me. But at least I don’t have to pretend I’m wearing an original, yet a replica in nature. Now I know why Jasmine Curtis busted you, among other reasons which I retrieved from the grapevine.
Anyhow, I am posting some stuff on my INSTAGRAM: @rodmagaru, I don’t have a fake Nike shoes there but check it out. Who knows? This is also a reminder to those active in social media to verify, verify, verify first. Some of my fashion bloggers who know about his replica purchase are laughing at you right now while you pick the wrong stories from the tree.
Oh wait, If you read this Brian, tell me who’s your seller. I may send some gift to fake people this Valentines day!