Asia’s King of Talk Boy Abunda pays tribute to mothers this Saturday (October 27) in the first part of his birthday special in “The Bottomline With Boy Abunda.”Discover how unconditional and strong a mother’s love can be as public figure moms Grace Poe, Valerie Concepcion, Edith Burgos, Mozzy Ravena, Genelyn Magsaysay, Elena Bautista Horn, and Risa Hontiveros talk about the joys, pains and challenges that mothers go through.
How hard is it to be a mother? What is the hardest and most painful challenge that they had to face as a parent? How did the birth of their children change their lives? Don’t miss Boy’s birthday special in the ‘Ani ng Dangal 2012′ awardee “The Bottomline with Boy Abunda” this Saturday, 11:30 pm, after “Banana Split” on ABS-CBN.
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